Saturday, November 22, 2008


We didn't get much of a chance to thank the NICU nurses for all they did for Ella, and us.
We can't thank all of you in Pod D enough (especially her primary nurses Amy, Tracey, and Shannon, as well as Tara, Essie, Michelle, Jenna, Jen, Linda, Megan, Betsy, and many others...)

You all treated her as if she were your own and we sincerely appreciate it.

And of course Dr. Tara who started all of this on Oct. 18th and visited almost every day after.

Thanks for getting us ready to take Ella home:
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1 comment:

Grandbag said...

A special thanks to the NICU nurses from those of us who were checking in on Ella and her parents from far away. We have always felt comfortable and confident that the Garrisons were getting the best care possible.